About and History

PayPal Eesti community is not an official representor of PayPal in Estonia. This page is created purely with the purpose of introducing PayPal services in Estonia and offering information about PayPal for various parties.

PayPal Eesti site was created in the end of 2007 shortly after PayPal services became available for the Estonian users. Based on the user experiences with using PayPal, different tutorials were added to the site which operated thanks to volunteers.

PayPal Eesti team was convinced that PayPal deserves wider attention in Estonia, since it has remarkable importance for both businesses and private persons due to enabling to make two-way monetary business transactions both locally and worldwide.

In years PayPal Eesti website found lots of support and was mentioned in many Estonian forums and communities. Many users were able to find information what PayPal is and how to use it thanks to PayPal Eesti site and shared their experiences with other users in their community and forum sites.

Starting from March 2010 PayPal Eesti community has been managed by Webistre Solutions OÜ.


  • All copyrights, trademarks, registered trademarks, logos and service descriptions mentioned or used on this site are the property of their respective owners and are used for illustration only. PayPal and eBay are registered trademarks of eBay Inc.
  • PayPal Eesti community is not an official representor of PayPal in Estonia.
  • PayPal Eesti community is managed by Webistre Solutions OÜ.
  • All content on this page is provided for informational and educational purposes in order to introduce PayPal services in Estonia.
  • PayPal Eesti team does not give any guarantee for using PayPal services since we do not own legal rights for that. All materials on this page have been put together in contribution with PayPal users experiences and tutorials and are published in the good will.
  • No user data or information is being collected on this website, apart from the information that users are sharing by their own will. We share the collected information for 3rd parties only if this is required by the law or needed to protect our rights.
  • PayPal Eesti community uses Google Analytics software that collects anonymously through cookies information about site visitors.
  • When using PayPal Eesti page you agree to these terms above.